Friday, November 16, 2007

Supreme Contempt of Supreme Court

A Supreme Court Bench comprising Hon'ble Justices B N Agarwal and P P Naolekar created history yesterday when they imposed a STAY on the proposed Bandh of DMK and its allies in Tamilnadu on 1 October, 2007. I am saying 'they created History' not only because they gave a majestic order defending the ordinary and natural rights of more than 1 billion common and helpless people of India but also because that they came forward to give a public hearing on a Sunday to the Counsel of the AIADMK Gurukrishna Kumar, Subrmonium Prasad and N Jyoti. The Supreme Court also made it clear through the fearsome tone, spirit, and letter of its order rooted in Law, Equity and Natural Justice that they cannot be intimidated by the ever fleeting and fluctuating opinions of different political parties holding briefs for the moment.

Justice B N Agarwal Justice P P Naolekar

The AIADMK in the Special Leave Petition (SLP) contended that the proposed Monday (1 October 2007) Bandh sought to be enforced by the DMK and its allies was unconstitutional and violative of the apex court's directive on the issue. Seldom does the apex court take up for open hearing on any matter on Sundays and holidays unless the issue involved is of grave importance. The petitioner submitted that the Bandh was unwarranted as the matter relating to the Ram Sethu project was already pending before the apex court.

Hon'ble Justice B N Agarwal and Hon'ble Justice P P Naolekar covered themselves with everlasting glory when they stated: �So long as the 1998 Judgement of this Court remains, you cannot call for a Bandh, which has been completely prohibited. Your object is to stop everything to show your might and solidarity. We cannot tolerate this. Public right is superior to party rights.� During the course of this historic hearing on Sunday, the Supreme Court put the following unanswerable questions to A K Ganguly, Counsel for the DMK: a) Your protest is against whom? The Project, the Central Government or against the Supreme Court? b) Why do you want to close all educational institutions and commercial activities? c) Where will you then find the people for your meetings?

The Madras High Court on the Writ Petitions filed by the AIADMK and Dr Subramanian Swamy had held last week that the petitioners had a prima facie case to show that the call given by the DMK and its allies was only for a 'Bandh'. Upholding this finding, the Supreme Court declared: �We are also prime facie of the view that the combined call given by the political parties�the DMK, the Congress, the CPI, the CPI (M), and the PMK�is only for a 'Bandh' and not for a hartal or a strike.

Dead Koyambedu bus-stand on
1-10-2007 (Government Bandh)
If it is a Bandh then it is a breakdown of the Constitutional machinery. Your own resolution says that the programme on 1 October, is intended to ensure complete cessation of all activities, then how can you say it is not a Bandh?� The Bench brushed aside the claims of the State and the DMK that what was essentially intended was a public meeting.

The Supreme Court Bench, by an order of Injunction, restrained the respondents from proceeding with the call for a 'Bandh' on October 1, 2007 or on any other date in terms of the 24 September resolution. The Supreme Court Bench, in clear and categorical terms, told Mr Ahmed (the Counsel for the Chief Secretary and the Director General of Police): �Whatever the political parties had called for, you have permitted them by issuing certain directions on 27 September, 2007. By doing so, you (The State) have failed in your Constitutional Duty to protect the rights of citizens. If it comes within the realm of a Bandh, it has to be stopped. There is a breakdown of the constitutional machinery if you (State) don't do that to stop the Bandh.

Defying Supreme Court order on
1-10-2007 (Pls see the 'Bandh'
notice on the bus)
There cannot be any doubt that the fundamental rights of the people as a whole cannot be subservient to the claim of fundamental right of an individual or any section of the people. � We have come to this stage in the country that everything has to be monitored, hammered or directed by courts. Even orders of the Supreme Court are not observed, what to talk of the High Courts. Ninety-nine per cent of the High Court orders are not complied. In our country, we have come to a stage where everything has to be dealt with an iron hand. Nothing moves even after our orders. We have to issue contempt and monitor. Things have come to this stage. When even Orders of the Supreme Court are not complied with, what to talk of the High Courts where 99 per cent of the orders are not obeyed. Do not play with fire. If you do (go ahead with the bandh), it is illegal as per law laid down by the Supreme Court.�

In spite of the clear orders of the Supreme Court, it has been reported that the DMK party and its partners are not allowing shops and commercial establishments to be kept open from this morning (1October 2007). Government-owned buses are not plying. Koyambedu Bus Terminus wears a deserted look. Common people are complaining that the Government of Tamilnadu is fully supporting the DMK and its allies to defy the orders of the Supreme Court. They are of the view that the Government of Tamilnadu and the DMK Party acting together as two sides of the same coin are guilty of supreme contempt of the Supreme Court of India. This morning I went to the General Hospital in Chennai to study the situation. More than 200 people who had come for emergency treatment complained that they were not able to get any public transport to reach the Hospital because of the attitude of defiance of the Supreme Court Order by the Tamilnadu Government. I then went to the Central Station and found that many passengers were stranded without public transport. The DMK Party and the Tamilnadu Government are guilty of supreme contempt of the Supreme Court of India on the one hand and supreme contempt of the common people of Tamilnadu on the other.

In order to politically defy the ban orders of the Supreme Court of India, Karunanidhi and his allies have declared a 'farcical fast'�ridiculously ludicrous. This view has been effectively voiced by the AIADMK supremo Jayalalitha who has clearly declared that the DPA fast amounts to contempt of the orders of the Supreme Court of India imposing a ban on the Bandh on 1 October, 2007. She has demanded the dismissal of the DMK Government in Tamilnadu for having violated the Constitutional Orders of the Supreme Court of India.

This morning, the Supreme Court has declared: �There is a complete breakdown of constitutional machinery in the State of Tamilnadu�. They have told the UPA Government 'NOT TO SHY AWAY' from the extreme step of dismissing the DMK Government in the larger interest of survival of the 'State' and the Indian Constitution.

I spoke to Smt Chandralekha, State President of the Janata Party. She said that the DMK party and the Tamilnadu Government are acting in chorus to defy the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India with shameless contempt, in spite of very strict warning given by the Hon'ble Judges of the Supreme Court.

Shame is viewed by the DMK and all its allies as 'superstitious and irrational' and Shamelessness as 'rational and scientific'. Though I am no poet in Tamil, yet in this context.I am reminded of the following roaring words of Mahakavi Bharathi suitably readapted to suit the present situation in Tamilnadu:

The people of Tamilnadu are feeling helpless and wretched. The best tribute I can pay to the DMK, the Congress, the CPI (M), the CPI and the PMK for their exemplary (!) political conduct, worthy of emulation by the succeeding generations, can only be in the words of Edmund Burke (1729-1797): �The poorest being that crawls on earth, contending to save itself from injustice and oppression, is an object respectable in the eyes of God and man. But I cannot conceive any existence under heaven (which in the depths of its wisdom tolerates all sorts of things) that is more truly odious and disgusting than an impotent, helpless creature, without civil wisdom or military skill, without a consciousness of any other qualification for power but his servility to it, bloated with pride and arrogance, calling for battles which he is not to fight, contending for a violent dominion which he can never exercise, and satisfied to be himself mean and miserable, in order to render others contemptible and wretched�.

There is an eternal clash all the time between the Majesty of Law and the Prevarications of Party Politics. This was beautifully brought out by the English Poet W H Auden (1907 � 1973) through the following lines of his great poem:

Law, says the judge as he looks down his nose,

Speaking clearly and most severely,

Law is as I've told you before,

Law is as you know I suppose,

Law is but let me explain it once more,

Law is The Law.

Yet law-abiding scholars write:

Law is neither wrong nor right,

Law is only crimes

Punished by places and by times,

Law is the clothes men wear

Anytime, anywhere,

Law is Good morning and Good night.

And always the loud angry crowd,

Very angry and very loud,

Law is We,

And always the soft idiot softly Me

Others say, Law is our Fate;

Others say, Law is our State;

Others say, others say

Law is no more,

Law has gone away.,.

(The writer is a retired IAS officer)

e-mail the writer at


Ananthabharathy said...

to expect the madras high court to rule against the kalaignar and dmk hooligans is a day dream.the madras high court is sub servient to who ever is is in power.they will be afraid of dk,dmk,admk hooligans.

Ananthabharathy said...

to expect the madras high court to rule against the kalaignar and dmk hooligans is a day dream.the madras high court is sub servient to who ever is is in power.they will be afraid of dk,dmk,admk hooligans.

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